Healing offered by deep listening.


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is a gentle way of working with the body using light touch. People sometimes think it only refers to the head. In fact Craniosacral Therapy works with the whole person and changes may occur in body, mind and spirit during and after sessions.

When a Craniosacral therapist places their hands lightly on you, they are using them to listen to you in much the same way that a counsellor might listen to your words. Your body responds to this sensitive touch by beginning to listen to itself. A feeling that you have been heard in the truest sense of the word is a common experience during and after a Craniosacral session.

Words and phrases that people have used to describe their experience of Craniosacral Therapy: "Comforting, inner peace, a sense of relief, deep stillness and relaxation, connection, feeling accepted, feeling more fully alive, put back in one piece, feeling whole again".


People may come for Craniosacral Therapy because they have acute physical problems like headaches or bad backs, or long-standing problems both physical and emotional. Others come for ongoing support in their busy lives and for help to meet life's challenges.

Because it is so gentle and non-invasive, Craniosacral Therapy is suitable for everyone from newborns to the elderly. Mothers and babies often come for problems associated with difficult or traumatic births. Letting go of tension and fear held in the body enables both to settle into calmness.

Craniosacral Therapy supports your body's innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself, as well as helping to reduce stress and build your underlying energy. The practitioner senses tensions in the body and helps to release them in a supported and comfortable way. During or after a session you may feel calm and energised, with increased clarity of mind and a feeling of well-being.


During our first appointment, we'll have a conversation about your medical history, your current state of health, and hopes or intentions from our working together.

The session takes place with you fully clothed on a treatment table, while I gently make contact with different areas of your body, respectfully and supportively.

The craniosacral system's rhythmic movements, similar to the ebb and flow of tides, are a reflection of our deepest well-being. As a Craniosacral Therapist, I'll carefully sense and invite these subtle motions, helping to release any areas of tension or holding.


After a session there is occasionally a short period of adjustment as part of the healing process, where you may become more aware of symptoms. Sometimes people report relief after only one or two sessions. For long-standing problems further sessions may be needed. Some people find they benefit from regular treatment over an extended period of time and say that, as well as noticing improvement in their physical or emotional symptoms, they feel that they have more awareness of their own needs and strengths, and their quality of life has improved.


I offer a FREE, discovery call, and should you wish to work with me, my fees are as follows:

Single session £60 (1 hour)

Block of 4 sessions £220 (valid for 8 weeks)

25% Discount for students, teacher and teaching assistants

Payments by cash or bank transfer.

Please let me know in advance if you are unable to keep an appointment. Missed appointments with less than 24 hours notice will be charged in full.

Sessions take place in a quiet therapy space in Montpellier above Yoga Sara.

Bristol Therapy Rooms, 10 Picton St, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5QA.


I first came to Graina's sessions looking for support with daily migraines. I found the sessions gentle and deeply relaxing. Graina's warm and sensitive approach really put me at ease. I felt like she was holding a mirror to what my body wanted to communicate to me about the pain I was experiencing. I felt deeply witnessed as she held space for past trauma to unravel at a gentle pace. My headaches are now gone and the tension pattern has been released. I am so grateful, many thanks. Clara.